Welcome to Savage Creations

Savage Creations specializes in collectibles of all kinds, including custom artwork, rare finds, coins, and more! 

George Savage

George Savage


George is the man behind the sayings, the wit behind the wisdom. From “It’s his horse, let him ride it!” to “What you don’t have in your head you’ll have in your heels.”, George has humored many with his quips and inspired all by his poetry.
Avanell Savage

Avanell Savage

Floral Designer

With a keen eye for beauty, Avanell has the unique gift of visualizing something beautiful and turning it into something tangible. Specializing in silk floral arrangements, Avanell is our Chief Floral Creationist here at Savage Creations.
Chad Savage

Chad Savage

Artistic Director

All of the paintings and salvaged art you find on Savage Creations is due to the artistic talents of Chad Savage. Many have enjoyed the unique works of this true artisan. Nothing Chad creates is ever duplicated; they’re truly one-of-a-kind.